Allies for Racial Justice (ARJ) is a partnership between St. James Church and Resurrection, two United Methodist churches. ARJ exists with the purpose of building authentic relationships to eliminate the existing racial divide in our communities and churches.
Established in 2016, the senior pastors of St. James Church and Resurrection led the formation of ARJ out of a determination to transform our congregations and our city into a place envisioned by Jesus, a place where all sisters and brothers in Christ care for and empathize with one another. The transformation begins by listening to and understanding each other.
… a place where all sisters and brothers in Christ care for and empathize with one another – a transformation that begins with understanding and listening to each other.
In the summer of 2016, amidst news of racial tension and strife across the country, the two senior pastors of our area’s largest predominantly white and predominately Black United Methodist churches came together to see what our congregations could do to make a decisive difference. The seed was planted and Allies for Racial Justice was formed by dedicated congregants from both churches.
From the onset, our pledge has been to do more than just talk about the issues that divide us. We focus on creating opportunities to break down the barriers, understand our differences, and appreciate our similarities. Together we develop and implement Christ-centered solutions to help end racial and social injustices.
In 2024, Allies for Racial Justice reviewed our organizations’ many initiatives and the progress we’ve made in attaining our goals. We had achieved so much, but we still had work to do. We discerned to move forward with renewed faith and focus on our three vital priorities:
Bringing people together to CONNECT through engaging educational events. Let’s start a conversation.
Bringing people together to UNITE by growing authentic relationships through interactive programs. Let’s learn from each other.
You must love your neighbor as yourself.
Allies for Racial Justice (ARJ) is a ministry partnership between two Kansas City area United Methodist churches — St. James Church and Resurrection. ARJ was founded in the summer of 2016 in direct response to the civil unrest over police shootings of Blacks, retaliatory shootings of police officers, and questionable court verdicts that were occurring around the country.
Senior Pastors Emanuel Cleaver III and Adam Hamilton asked what could be done to initiate a transformation. What could we do to help turn our city into the place envisioned by Jesus? A place where all brothers and sisters in Christ care for, empathize with, support, and learn from one another. Could we start with our own congregations?
A joint forum was held to discuss the racial history of the Kansas City area, the current state of racial relations, and how we could make a difference. The commitment to come together to know, understand and listen to each other was made…and Allies for Racial Justice was born.
From the onset, our pledge has been to do more than just talk about the issues that divide us. We focus on creating opportunities to break down the barriers and help people understand our differences, and appreciate our similarities.
Over the years, we have created small groups, encouraged shared worship, conducted workshops, hosted local and national speakers, launched group studies, provided resources, networked with KC area and online communities, and sponsored educational and social events.
ARJ today remains committed to implementing Christ-centered solutions that put an end to racial and social injustices.
Allies for Racial Justice (ARJ) is a partnership between St. James Church and Resurrection, two United Methodist churches. ARJ exists with the purpose of building authentic relationships to eliminate the existing racial divide in our communities and churches.